Marta Castro


About Me

My History

I have been living abroad for more than 9 years, I am Portuguese and I have lived in Portugal, Spain, UK and Japan. 

I have a Master degree in Psychology from Institute of Applied Psychology. I am also a Member of Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy and member of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology and Certified Coach from International Coaching Community.

Living abroad is an extraordinary and rewarding experience that enriches our life. Discovering this passion made me dedicate my life to help expats and immigrants.

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”

-Anita Desa


Adapting to a new country  requires additional  emotional and cognitive resources. It is only natural that we feel more stress, a little lost, confused or tired. 

However, if the increased emotional and psychological stress continues it may lead to psychological symptoms that require psychological and psychotherapy  support.  For example:

  • Symptoms of stress, fatigue, or generally unwell
  • Symptoms of sadness, tiredness, lack of energy
  • Sleep and appetite disorders
  • Identity crises or feeling lost of identity
  • social isolation


Living abroad has also an impact on our relationships with family and friends in your home country. We are far away and and it is more difficult to get the right support. 

Deciding to live abroad and the experience itself can be an overwhelming and emotional rollercoaster. Even more if we experience some kind of change in our lives, for example:

  • Starting  a family abroad,
  • losing a job or changing career
  • Education and School transitions of our children
  • Illness of relatives
  • Starting or finishing intimate relationships 
  • Divorce,
  • Death of family member or friends, etc.

These situations are additional stress with great impact for those living abroad.

This is why I decided to dedicate my life and work to help expats and emigrants with their intercultural integration to guarantee professional and personal success without losing their sense of identity and roots. Additionally, I help young adults to move abroad and embrace the experience of living in a foreign country without fear, guilt or stress



I am passionate about traveling and living abroad.

As the majority of Portuguese I have a deep connection with the ocean and absolutely love the beach and summer. I also enjoy hiking in nature, running and travel with my family.

I am a mother of a 4 year old boy who was born here in Tokyo and my husband is from Belarus, we speak English at home and every day we learn a little bit more about Japan.

I believe that multiculturalism, as well as traveling and living abroad, enriches life, our vision of the world and our relationships.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

-Saint Augustine

Recent Articles

See all my articles on the Blog!

5 Things that Amaze Expats in Japan

4 Things in Japan that Get Expats Crazy